We Stand For…

Mission Statement:
We are redefining motherhood, recognizing and evolving the sovereignty of the mother, and establishing the healing and restorative power of this force in our world today.
We stand united ~ beyond hue of skin, political affiliation, sexual orientation or age ~ for the education, empowerment, health, well-being, rights and freedom of moms and children through programs, events and social justice action.
We stand for mothers being the final word on what happens to theirs and their children’s bodies and lives.
When mothers are empowered and cared for, girls, women, children, Mother Earth and society flourishes.
Every mama, every child, safe, fed, housed, clothed, loved, educated and celebrated. We address just one of these issues and we will bump into all of these issues.
Call to Action:
- Join our community: Million Mamas Movement
- Follow us on Social Media
Instagram Twitter Facebook YouTube - Download, sign and share the Million Mamas Manifesto
We are interested in having a million mothers, and then others who mother,
sign this so that we can present it to the current administration. We seek to galvanize peace and humanity in politics and policies, led by the mothers.
*Please note that your submission constitutes your permission for Wendy Silvers, and/or the Million Mamas Movement to use on our media platforms.
Calling all mamas, papas (and those who mother),
1. Record a video of what Sacred Activism is to you
2. Upload it* to our Million Mamas Movement facebook page
3. Send it to wendy@millionmamasmovement.org*
To view more MMM videos, please visit our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/millionmamasmovement
*Please note that your submission, no matter which format it’s in, constitutes your permission for Wendy Silvers, and/or the Million Mamas Movement to share publicly share it.