PERSONAL BELIEF EXEMPTIONS Deadline is January 1, 2016
Most schools are closed through January 1, 2016. You may email or fax so that you have a record of it being sent.
Governor Brown signed SB 277, the most stringent vaccine mandate in the United States, on June 30, 2015.
This new law will go into effect on July 1, 2016.
SB 277 eliminates a parent’s right to exempt their children from one, some, or all vaccines.. In 2016, California parents will be forced to give their children more than 40 doses of 10 federally recommended vaccines. This open-ended vaccine mandate allows the State of California to add any additional vaccines they deem necessary at anytime. The only exemption available is a medical exemption that
doctors deny to 99.99 percent of children under federal guidelines.
ATTENTION CA PARENTS: You have the opportunity to protect your child’s vaccine exemptions but you must ACT NOW!
- If you do not already have a PBE (Personal Belief Exemption) on file you MUST file one no later than December 31, 2015 to utilize the “grandfather” clause in SB277 for the upcoming school year of 2016/2017. The “grandfather” clause will exempt children from the mandatory vaccinations who are entering childcare or preschool and Kindergarten by June of 2016 and children within the “checkpoint” grad spans of TK/K thru 6th grade or 7th thru 12th grade.
- Complete the PBE form and retain a received date stamped copy from the school for your records. PBE english : PBE spanish.
You can go to for forms. - You may also fax and email your child’s PBE to your child’s school. It will show the time/date that it was sent.
- Parents do not have to submit the PBE form if they are not comfortable with the language. Parents can write their own “Letter of Affidavit” per California Code 120365 which states “(a) Immunization of a person shall not be required for admission to a school or other institution listed in Section 120335 if the parent or guardian or adult who has assumed responsibility for his or her care and custody in the case of a minor, or the person seeking admission if an emancipated minor, files with the governing authority a letter or affidavit that documents which immunizations required by Section 120355 have been given, and which immunizations have not been given on the basis that they are contrary to his or her beliefs. (b) On and after January 1, 2014, a form prescribed by the State Department of Public Health shall accompany the letter or affidavit filed pursuant to subdivision.”
- By law, your school MUST accept your PBE (Personal Belief Exemption) or “Letter of Affidavit” through the end of 2015. These will remain valid until a pupil reaches the next “checkpoint” of TK/K or 7th grade. The California Department of Health Letter clearly states this, however the California Department of Public Instruction has failed to properly communicate this to the County Boards of Education and school districts throughout the state.
- Families can also OPT OUT of having their child’s private health information shared on the California Immunization Registry (CAIR) You MUST file the CAIR opt out form ANNUALLY English : Spanish
For more information, contact the CAIR Help Desk at 800‐578‐7889 or
SB 277 Mandatory Vaccine Law Does Not Apply To:
- Students in home-based private schools.
- **Students enrolled in an independent study program who do not receive classroom-based instruction. (Clarity to be determined)
- Access to special education and related services specified in an IEP (Individualized Education Program) can not be denied.
Email: with any questions
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