by The Million Mamas Movement | Jun 29, 2018 | Health & Well-being
12 Steps to take if you are birthing your baby in a hospital and don’t want them vaccinated upon birth — Hire a doula or have a birth advocate with you at the hospital who supports your wishes not to vaccinate your newborn baby Labor at home for as long as...
by The Million Mamas Movement | Jun 29, 2018 | Health & Well-being
21 Vaccine facts — there are more From 2nd Annual Health Freedom Rally Press Release compiled by Million Mamas Movement In 1982, the 4 major drug manufacturers, Merck, Wyeth, Lederle, and Connaught threatened to stop selling vaccines in America unless granted Immunity...
by The Million Mamas Movement | Jun 29, 2018 | Health & Well-being
August 26, 2016 – California Today, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern district of California, Judge Dana Sabraw, denied the preliminary injunction to halt the implementation of SB277 and allow children who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated to attend...
by The Million Mamas Movement | Jun 29, 2018 | Health & Well-being
UPDATED CALL TO ACTION RE: Proposed CDC/HHS Amended Quarantine Policy Deadline: Midnight October 14, 2016 On August 15, 2016, the US Center for Disease Control, (CDC), and the Human Health Services, (HHS), issued a Notice for Proposed Rulemaking, NPRM, an amendment...
by The Million Mamas Movement | Jun 29, 2018 | Health & Well-being
In these turbulent time, and with my Sacred Activism experiences in the past 3 years specifically, the wisdom of these instructions by stewards and stewardesses give to passengers on plane has become more poignant: Place the oxygen mask on your face first before you...
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