About US
The Million Mamas Movement (MMM) is a grassroots, mama to mama, movement dedicated to mamas and babies thriving, creating a culture of peace through mothers embodying their sovereign power, raising children with kindness and compassion and, living in a world where there is clean air, food, water, freedom and choice. We educate and empower mothers and others through individual transformation to unify and exercise their Mothering power to create policies and programs that provide freedom and safety for women and children. Evolving motherhood, fatherhood and familyhood – the global family.
“We hold the world in our hearts, hands and wombs nurturing the present and future generations.”
Mothering is universal – the qualities of love, nurturing, compassion and generosity are intrinsic to everyone – whether you are championing a child, a cause, an idea, a business or a movement. Throughout the world and throughout time immemorial, mothers everywhere have these same desires for their children.
“We, the mamas, resolve to evolve a world where every woman and child is safe, fed, housed, clothed, loved, educated and celebrated.”
Wendy Silvers, Wisdom Teacher, founder/director of the Million Mamas Movement, is a Midwife of Consciousness, helping women birth and earth their motherhoodvisions into being, informed by her years of education and training as a spiritual teacher and a PR executive in the entertainment industry.
Rev. Wendy Silvers helps moms embody their authentic power, raise empowered kids and change the world through vision and grace. She is a Mothering Coach, licensed Minister, Spiritual Therapist, Author, Speaker/Teacher, and Sacred Activist. Nicknamed ‘Mama Wendy’ by her clients, she is known for her keen intuitive wisdom and unwavering dedication to empowering moms, raising healthy children, thriving families, and advocacy.
She is the founder of the Million Mamas Movement, creator of The Awakened Mother TM series, host of The Awakened Mother Show, and a co-author of the International bestselling book, Balance for Busy Moms. Her book will be published in 2023.Rev. Wendy produces/hosts and speaks at illustrious venues such as Agape International Spiritual Center, Conscious Living Expo, Bhakti Fest, Health Freedom and Spiritual Centers. She has shared stages with Michael Beckwith, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Del Bigtree, Kelly Gores, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Panache Desai, Sister Jenna, and other luminaries. She received the American Riviera Women’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2014.Rev. Wendy has decades of experience as a Spiritual Counselor, Trauma-Informed Parenting Coach, 36 years of experience in the 12-Step Recovery Movement and had a former career as an Entertainment Publicist. She is married and the proud mother of an amazing young woman.
“Wendy’s commitment to bringing peace to our world through mothering is pure, true and divinely inspired. Her ability to guide women through personal transformation will help heal the world. “
~ Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder, Agape International Spiritual Center